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Micro level factors leading to a migratory decision: migrant groups in the Czech Republic


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This paper combines the results of research targeting several distinct migrant communities living and working in the Czech Republic. This research further develops work which documented the experience of highly educated Slovak workers in the Czech Republic by including additional linguistic groups.

Preliminary findings uncovered a nuanced perspective which elucidated the tendency of young individuals to seek out opportunities in the 'near abroad' whereas experienced workers became migrants only after ensuring the economic benefits of making a move. Further work encompassing a larger cohort has indicated that Individual agency plays a key role in individual decision making.

The project has elucidated the complexity of micro level causal factors in relation to migratory decision making. While this work demonstrates that a network effect exists in some cases rational choice and cultural commonalities also play a significant role leading up to migration and indeed in perpetuating flows.

It has also become clear that some groups are intent on settlement in the Czech Republic.