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Education policy: Different definitions, assumptions and implications

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The aim of this theoretical study is to delimit diff erent approaches to educational policy, analyze assumptions on which they are based and show implications of these approaches. The article starts with distinguishing among educational polity, politics and policy.

Then different definitions of educational policy are discussed. The core of the article consists of discussion of five key questions which form basis for diff erent approaches.

The article concludes with implications for research and practice. Five dimensions of the term are distinguished: event versus process, explicit artifacts versus policy detection, policy actors involved, big policies versus small policies, intentions versus any actions, structure versus agency.

Assumptions behind each of these aspects are discussed. It is argued that the broadening of the scope of educational policy studies is desirable as it will help overcome some unrealistic and too narrow assumptions.

On the other hand, in empirical research this inclusion of new topics and aspects must be accompanied by clear specifications of the terms, including the term educational policy itself.