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How old is too old? A contribution to the discussion on age limits for assisted reproduction technique access

Publication at Faculty of Science |


In 2012, the Czech Republic established the women's age limit for access to assisted reproduction techniques at age 49 years. In this paper, the acceptability of this age limit from the children's perspective in the Czech Republic was assessed.

The 'children's interests' were mapped out and contrasted with the ongoing process of childbearing postponement. Older children and adolescents (aged 11-25 years) were asked how old they would prefer their parents to be: Czech respondents would prefer to have younger parents.

This finding is consistent with the optimal biological childbearing age rather than with the current postponement to a later age. So far, assisted reproduction techniques have been largely regarded as a medical treatment justifying the current women's age limit of 49 years.

Had the children's perspective been taken into account, this age limit might have been lower than 49 years.