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Distribution of Heavy-Metal Contamination in Regulated River-Channel Deposits: a Magnetic Susceptibility and Grain-Size Approach; River Morava, Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Anthropogenic contamination by heavy metals in fluvial systems is mostly bound to fine-grained clay minerals and organic substances, which accumulate by vertical accretion in sediment traps along river courses (oxbow lakes, dams and floodplains). These environmental settings are considered as good archives of historical changes in contamination.

Much less attention, however, is paid to deposits of river channels, which act as sourcing transport paths for these archives and/or build archives of their own. In order to provide a better insight into the spatio-temporal distribution of pollutants in channel deposits, we investigated contamination levels of Cu, Pb and Zn in a series of sediment cores along the River Morava, a left-hand tributary of the Danube River, Czech Republic.

In particular, the relationships between metal concentrations, sediment lithology (facies), grain size, magnetic susceptibility and mineralogy and chemistry of fly-ash particles were investigated. Element chemistry and lithology of channel deposits were compared with those of the nearby floodplain deposits in the same catchment.

Four river-channel facies were defined, ranging from sandy gravels to clayey silts, and confronted with the floodplain sediments. Al/Si ratios were found to be useful proxies of grain size, and Al was utilized as an excellent normalizing element for heavy metals, which filters out much of the grain size effects on contamination.

The floodplain deposits are significantly less contaminated than their river-channel counterparts. Heavy-metal contamination of river bed sediments (expressed as enrichment factors, EFs) is not simply bound to fine-grained particles, and much of the contamination was found in coarse-grained, sandy facies.