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Towards Verification of Ensemble-Based Component Systems

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The relatively new domain of Ensemble-Based Component Systems (EBCS) brings a number of important verification challenges that stem mainly from the dynamism of EBCS. In this paper, we elaborate on our previous work on EBCS verification.

In particular, we focus on verification of applications based on the DEECo component model - a representative of EBCS - and evaluate it on a real-life case study. Since our verification technique employs a specialized DEECo semantics to make the verification problem tractable, our goal is to investigate the practical relevance of the properties that can be addressed by the verification.

Specifically, we compare the specialized semantics with the realistic general semantics of DEECo to identify verification properties that are preserved by the specialized semantics. We further investigate the tractability of verification of these properties on a real-life case study from the domain of electrical vehicle navigation - one of the key case studies of the EU FP7 project ASCENS.