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European Union Law

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Law |


The textbook places great emphasis on linking theoretical knowledge with practical experience of the functioning of EU law in our country. Its internal structure was chosen so that the easiest approached quite complex labyrinth of European Union law students who are from textbooks range of disciplines applicable law accustomed to the " classic" division into a general and special , or part of the substantive and procedural.

General concept of European Union law also contains an interpretation of EU law relating to domestic and international law , as well as the interpretation of the sources and the EU law. One of the cornerstones of European Union law , the right institutional , and therefore occupies in this tutorial, a key passage in the general section.

Materia substantive EU law is in a special section textbooks divided into spheres of relationship based on economic elements (internal market , competition and economic and monetary union) and the circle of relations based on the element of civic ( citizenship of the European Union , the fundamental rights and freedoms , area of ​​freedom, security and justice ). The process of interpretation not only brings the judicial system of the Union , but about justice through national and EU courts , as well as during the proceedings before the courts by EU .