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God’s Presence in Preaching

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The introduced study includes six parts altogether: In the first part author inserts his theme in the practical theological scientific disciplines: in homiletics and liturgics. The second part deals partly with some prominent theological endeavors for an actual and comprehensible preaching within the 20th century theology including American Death of God Theology (K.Barth, R.Bultmann, D.Bonhoeffer, J.Altizer etc.), partly it characterizes a new homiletic situation in this country after the downfall of previous political regime in 1989.Third part of the study investigate the content, substantiation of proclamation and its relation to the sacraments.

The last two parts: the fourth and fifth examine from biblical and theological point of view existence of the church community as a place of God’s meeting with human being, where it arises Christian faith and new human relationships are being created in the form of brotherly love that willingly gives itself to serve the people ad intra and ad extra in the world. The study is being concluded by accentuation of its main thoughts.