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Art as an aesthetic form of the Universe. Concerning Schelling ´s conception of the metaphysical affinity between art and nature

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The study deals with the analysis of the Schelling´s aesthetic theory of art and nature in his early works. It proves that Schelling´s metaphysical theory of universe (i.e. the infinite absolute) revealed a new possible relation between art and nature that was quite different from its previous explanations by Kant, Schiller and Fichte.

Schelling reflected this relation from a new point of the hidden metaphysical unity of art and nature and underlined that there is a considerable similitude in the inner structure of the both regions. Art and nature are identically formed as teleological entities and have an analogous inner power to organize themselves as special organic unities - teleological entities and dynamic organisms.

Schelling´s new metaphysical concept of universe proved that vertical dimension of the modern world (i.e. the infinite absolute) and horizontal dimension (i.e. nature) belong together and are united in art. Art is a symbol of their unity and opens possible way to overcome one of the biggest problems of the Modern Age, i.e. its fragmental character and intense disunity.

Art, thus, is an organ that enables to find its final end and create new relation between Man and Nature.