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Crucial Problems of Systematic Trinitology

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


In this paper the author deals with the questions of the macrostructure of the paper On the Trinity. This macrostructure is closely connected with the conception of Trinitology.

It turns out that it is not appropriate to start with the historical overview from the Old Testament because this structure brings implicitly back the division into the paper “On the Only God” and “On the Trinity”. The Trinitarian conception must be clear from the beginning and that is why it is appropriate to place there an introductory extract with three key questions: the Trinity and Jehova, the practical meaning of the picture of God, the relation between the immanent and economic Trinity.

If these questions are clarified, there is no problem to exemplify that the Trinity acts even in the Old Testament, even though the Old Testament writers could not be aware of it. Next is the New Testament Trinitology and mapping of the development of the dogma till its definition in 381, respectively in 382.

The introduction of the Augustine´s Trinitarian theories and the presentation of other authors and topics should be included in intellectus fidei. At the end of the third part it is appropriate to include a rigorously trinitarized paper on the characteristics of God. Only this way the real integration of “On the Only God” into the integral paper “On the Trinitarian God” will happen.