The study evaluates inter-site PM2.5 differences measured by six moni-tors positioned within network arrangement covering about 4 km2 in residential area of Ostrava Radvanice-Bartovice. According to level of PM2.5, two periods were distinguished: smog (26. 1. – 15. 2. 2012) and after smog (15. 2. – 21. 2. 2012).
There were no statistically sig-nificant differences for PM2.5 within both the periods as tested by Wil-coxon signed-ranks test for 2 dependent samples. We may conclude, that urban airshed was well mixed during the whole measurement campaign which has several important implications: point sources of PM2.5, like local heating, did not contribute significantly to PM2.5 at urban area, monitoring station position is eligible and air monitoring data representative for the urban environment and transportation, with regards to low traffic density, also did not contribute significantly to PM2.5 levels.
Main cause of such a high PM2.5 concentrations is in-dustrial emissions.