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Large intestinal microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal neoplasia

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) represent an immense problem worldwide. Precise definition of all the potential contributors to the pathogenesis of CRC and IBD remain a challenge.

Large intestinal microbiota play an extremely important role. Investigation of serum anti-porin antibodies (aimed at porin C in the cell wall of E. coli) belonged to the objectives in the first part of our work.

We have confirmed, that patients with IBD and patients with CRC had increased levels of anti-porin antibodies. Bacteriocinogeny and investigation of E. coli genotypes belonged to the aims in the second part of our work.

Bacteriocins are small proteins produced by bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae family and are characterised by its antibacterial, antineoplastic, probiotic and proapoptotic effect. We have confirmed higher bacteriocinogeny and presence of more virulent strains of E. coli in patients with advanced colorectal adenoma and colorectal carcinoma.

All these results confirm contribution of large intestinal microbiota to the development of colorectal pathologies.