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Dependence of selected body composition variables on age in children

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The informations on the selected values of body compositionwere collected in adults and in selected groups of patients; in children, such information practically does not exist. Whole impedance was measured at four frequencies - 1, 5, 50 and 100 kHz (B.I.A. 2000M, Data Input, Germany) in group of 225 children differing in age (range of 6-14 years) and fitness status (maximal oxygen uptake ranged from 35 to 61

The TBW (in ralative terms as a part of total body mass) was slightly higher in children (mean in boys was 65.2±2.9%, and girls 63.9±3.4%) than in adults of the same physical fitness status. In children we found a negative significant dependence of these values on age (r = -0.586 in boys, and r = -0.612 in girls).

The values of ECW/TBW significantly decreased with age (without gender differences r = -0.623). On the contrary the of ICW/TBW significantly increased with age (r = 0.611 for both sexes).

For determining BF different prediction equations must be used for boys and girls and for ages under 10 years and over 10 years till 15 years. The mean values of FFM were 81.3±4.7% of total body mass in boys, and 78.3±4.1% in girls.

In both sexes negative significant correlations were found with age (r = -0.674 in boys and r = -0.652 in girls). The value of ECM/BCM may be used as complementary criterion for assessing of predispositions for exercise.

The lower is ECM/BCM, the better is a predisposition for physical exercise. In highly trained adult athletes these values ranged about 0.7.

In children, the mean values were 0.87±0.12 in boys, and 0.96±0.14 in girls. A significant negative dependence of ECM/BCM on training status was found (r = -0.721 in boys and r = -0.698 in girls).

We did not find a significant dependence of ECM/BCM on age.