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Impacts and underlying factors of landscape-scale historical disturbance of mountain forest identified using documentary archives

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Large areas of temperate mountain Norway spruce (Picea abies) forests in Central Europe have been disturbed by windstorms and subsequent bark beetle (Ips typographus) outbreaks in recent years. The occurrence of these windstorms has raised the question of whether such events were within the historical range of variability (HRV) of forest dynamics in Central Europe.

To answer this question, we analyzed the available historical forest management maps documenting large-scale disturbance resulting from windthrow events in the years 1868-1870 in spruce-and beech- (Fagus sylvatica) dominated forests in the Bohemian Forest region (Sumava Mts., Czech Republic and Bayerischer Wald, Germany). The age structure of the forests before the disturbances was unbalanced, with stands of 80-120 years underrepresented, and covering only 9% of the area and stands older than 120 years, historically classified as old growth covering 26% of the area.

Within a decade 40% of the stands in the mountain range were disturbed, with significant effect on the oldest stands. To identify important factors responsible for the severity of disturbance, we constructed regression models relating severity to two groups of explanatory variables: forest stand characteristics and environmental attributes (mainly topographic factors).

Overall, stand age was identified as the most important driver of disturbance severity across the landscape, with the oldest trees most susceptible. The high importance of age for disturbance severity showed the role of forest age structure in determining the scale of disturbances resulting from windstorms and associated bark beetle outbreaks.

Nevertheless, despite the documented occurrence of frequent large disturbances during the two centuries that preceded the 1868-1870 events, old growth accounted for 26% of the area, making it clear that both large scale disturbance and old-growth forest are within the HRV of mountain spruce forest dynamics in Central Europe.