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Caves of the Elbe Sandstones Region

Publication at Faculty of Science |


At present, over 80 ceves are registered in the Elbe River canyon between Děčín and Hřensko. This represent about 50% of all known caves on the Czech side of the Elbe Sandstones.

Much fewer caves have been reported from the German side. This is caused by a certain change in geomorphic conditions but chiefly by the extensive sandstone quarrying in the past, whitch probably wasted many caves.

The monograph presents the most important caves in Bohemian sandstones, stretching across the area between Broumov and Děčín. It contains geological and geomorphological characteristics of different sandstone areas and cave descriptions including maps.

The publication was prepared for the sandstone excursion within the 16th International Congress of Speleology held in Brno in 2013.