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A note on two-point paraxial travel times

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Recently, several expressions for the two-point paraxial travel time in laterally varying, isotropic or anisotropic layered media were derived. The two-point paraxial travel time gives the travel time from point S' to point R', both these points being situated close to a known reference ray Omega, along which the ray-propagator matrix was calculated by dynamic ray tracing.

The reference ray and the position of points S' and R' are specified in Cartesian coordinates. Two such expressions for the two-point paraxial travel time play an important role.

The first is based on the 4 x 4 ray propagator matrix, computed by dynamic ray tracing along the reference ray in ray-centred coordinates. The second requires the knowledge of the 6 x 6 ray propagator matrix computed by dynamic ray tracing along the reference ray in Cartesian coordinates.

Both expressions were derived fully independently, using different methods, and are expressed in quite different forms. In this paper we prove that the two expressions are fully equivalent and can be transformed into each other.