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Integration of Foreign Students into Czech Ele- mentary Schools - Case Study Integration of Foreign Students into Czech Elementary Schools

Publication at Faculty of Education |


A major research problem is the stratifcation of the broad group of foreign pupils and their special needs. The stratifcation not only in the terms of the economic, social and cultural needs, but also in their particular training needs.

Pupils coming from abroad after arriving at a standard Czech school are not further diagnosed and become part of a problematic group. In better cases, special care aimed at overcoming language barriers is given.

Most of our teachers do not realize the need for a diferent approach to the teaching of Czech language as a frst language and Czech language for foreigners. Even in the cases where Czech languge instruction for foreigners is satisfactorily provided, all problems are often blamed on pupils' linguistic and social barriers.

Other aspects are not diagnosed and dealt with, such as specifc learning disabilities and behaviour or any other exceptional talents.