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Thyroid disorders and pregnancy

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Autoimmune thyroid diseases are very frequent in the population. In pregnancy, 5% of women suffer from reduced thyroid function and 10% have positive antibodies against thyroid antigens.

If a woman does have reduced thyroid function, it is absolutely essential to start replacement therapy with levothyroxine as soon as possible. Therefore, the Czech Society of Endocrinology recommends screening of pregnant women for autoimmune thyroid disease as soon as possible after pregnancy confirmation.

Nevertheless, this screening is not established as standard practice. However, sufficient iodine intake is crucial in all pregnant women.

Iodine consumption increases from 150 mcg/day to 250 mcg/day in pregnancy. Thus, replacement with 100 mcg of iodine/day is recommended to all pregnant women, regardless of whether or not they are treated for thyroid gland problems.

Iodine can either be administered in the form of Jodid 100 preparation or in the form of pregnancy multivitamins. Contraindications for iodine administration in pregnancy are rare (thyroid carcinoma, active thyrotoxicosis).

There is no reason for supplementation with iodine outside pregnancy, breastfeeding and planned conception. As a matter of fact, excess iodine increases the risk of developing an autoimmune process in the thyroid gland.