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Assessment of phonological skills and processes in preschool age

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The paper presents a theoretical background and an overview of the research based experience in creation and administration of tests of phonological awareness and phonological processes ( especially pnoneme awareness, RAN ) with Czech preschool children. Phonological , especially phonemic awareness , and rapid naming (RAN) are strong predictors of early reading and spelling in Czech language ( Caravolas et al . 2012) , so the question of its assessment is an important aspect of researchers.

Phonological awareness is an indicator of the child's ability to promptly and consciously register or manipulate the words of spoken language at the level of various sound units ( eg, phonemes, syllables ). RAN, resp. rapind automatized naming assesses readiness and stability of long-term memory storage for names of various symbolic tools ( eg, numbers , images, etc. ).

The paper presents knowledge and research outcomes (data derived from czech preschool children samples) describing the structure of phonological processes, its components and relationship. Examples of concrete measures are presented along with the statistical analyses to show psychometric characteristics of the set of measures author used for the reserach purposes and tranformed int the test battery.

Presentation also explains the theoretical and research based knowledge about the issue of assessment of phonological processess - how to create items and procedures for this kind of assessment .