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Information and education of senior patients in the frame of health care. Information and education of senior patients in the frame of health care. Information and education of senior patients in the frame of health care. Information and education of senior patients in the frame of health care.



This thesis focuses on informations providing by health care professionals to the seniors age patients/clients. There is describing the contemporary situation in this field in the Czech republic, There had been presented key moments the transmission and the acceptation of the information during the dialogue between a layperson and an expert in two basic levels: level of rules, especially an Inform consent, and level of an ethical discourse.

I compare an atmosphere created by law and rules with human reactions, either as medical professionals, or as a patient. In the theoretical section of the thesis is described and evaluated experiences of patients with information-giving by health care professionals.

Qualitative methodology was chosen for the main body of empirical research, which consists of semi-structured interviews with 20 patients. The collected data were cathegorised, analysed and then quantified and prepared for interpretation.

The thesis includes not only the results of my research, but also examples of encounters with patients during my day-to-day nursing practice. Because the main goal of my thesis was to find patient’s acceptance of informations given by medical stuff, I can declare basic difference in the interpretation of priority information and education process parameters in the patients’s and medical stuff’s point of view.

The original goal of law and rule creators was to defend general and anticipated patient’s needs. We can see, that the whole process of institutionalization does not satisfy individual patient’s needs.

There is two possible way of harmonization legal and moral aspects of information process. The first should be change in the presentation of information’s process purpose as more according to practice.

The second one could be comeback of relationship between patient and health care professional with ethical perspective into the information process. These both ways seems to be more authentic, then present situacion.