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The Main Ostrava Whetstone: composition, sedimentary processes, palaeogeography and geochronology of a major Mississippian volcaniclastic unit of the Upper Silesian Basin (Poland and Czech Republic)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Main Ostrava Whetstone (MOW) is an important lithostratigraphic horizon of the Late Carboniferous sedimentary fill of the late Palaeozoic foreland Upper Silesian Basin. It is the largest and best-identified volcanogenic horizon in the basin, reaching thicknesses of 15.3 m and occupying an area of ca 2,973 km(2) and a volume after lithification of 9.24 km(3).

It consists of volcanic materials transported to the basin probably by an aeolian process. Just after sedimentation, these materials were redeposited a short distance away in a shallow water environment.

Granularity corresponds to a range from argillaceous siltstones to fine-grained sandstones. The components are dominated by glass shards replaced by clay minerals (mixed illite-smectite structures) in addition to quartz of volcanogenic and terrigenous origins.

Sanidine and a plagioclase close to albite are also present. The sedimentary structures, micro-structures and composition of the MOW indicate variable and dynamic hydrodynamic conditions.

The MOW represents a series of flooding events, which could be connected with unusual rainfall. Such major flooding events were most likely induced by volcanic eruptions.

The available drill-core log data were used to construct a digital model of the whetstone, which showed an east-west zonality in the thicknesses, with the majority being synsedimentary. CA-TIMS U-Pb dating the volcanogenic zircons yields an age of 327.35 +/- A 0.15 Ma.

The source location of the volcanogenic material is not clear; however, it is presumed to have been located in the west of the Upper Silesian Basin.