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Early changes in membrane potential of Saccharomyces cerevisiae induced by varying extracellular K+, Na+ or H+ concentrations

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Recently we introduced a fluorescent probe technique that makes possible to convert changes of equilibrium fluorescence spectra of 3,3’-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine, diSC3( 3), measured in yeast cell suspensions under defined conditions into underlyingmembrane potential differences, scaled in millivolts (Plasek et al. in J Bioenerg Biomembr 44: 559– 569, 2012). The results presented in this paper disclose measurements of real early changes of plasmamembrane potential induced by the increase of extracellular K+, Na+ and H+ concentration in S. cerevisiae with and without added glucose as energy source.Whereas the wild type and the Δtok1 mutant cells exhibited similar depolarization curves, mutant cells lacking the two Trk1,2 potassium transporters revealed a significantly decreased membrane depolarization by K+, particularly at lower extracellular potassium concentration [K+]out.

In the absence of external energy source plasma membrane depolarization by K+ was almost linear. In the presence of glucose the depolarization curves exhibited an exponential character with increasing [K+]out.

The plasma membrane depolarization by Na+ was independent from the presence of Trk1,2 transporters. Contrary to K+, Na+ depolarized the plasma membrane stronger in the presence of glucose than in its absence.

The pH induced depolarization exhibited a fairly linear relationship between the membrane potential and the pHo of cell suspensions, both in the wild type and the Δtrk1,2 mutant strains, when cells were energized by glucose. In the absence of glucose the depolarization curves showed a biphasic character with enhanced depolarization at lower pHo values.