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Selected inspirations contained in the first three Chapters of Dei verbum 50 years after the opening of Council

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty, Hussite Theological Faculty |


The contribution of this article is twofold. Firstly, the author points out the basic inspiration contained in the first half of Dei verbum.

Secondly, he also higlights the further development of theological reflection in the held. This enquiry reveals the weak points of Dei verbum such as the issue of the so-called private revelation and deeper reflection on the possibility of Mariological inspirations on the held of the theology of word.

Furthemore, the development of theological hermeneutics in general and the theological problem of inculturation in particular represents the most profound sift in the last fifty years. It is necessary to celarly distinguish the apostolic Tradition (which is ‘above‘ cultures) from ecclasial traditions (‘within‘ cultures).