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Dyserythropoietic changes and sideroblastic anemia in patients with hairy cell leukemia before and after therapy with 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine

Publikace na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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Active hairy cell leukemia is associated with an increase of RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) which normalizes after successful therapy with 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CdA) [9]. To clarify this phenomenon, bone marrow films performed before therapy with 2-CdA and after its successful completion were subjected to careful evaluation.

Dyserythropoietic changes were present in 5 out of 17 patients before the therapy with 2-CdA. In 2 patients the changes were only slight, characterized by irregularities of the shape of nucleus and nuclear contour, in the remaining 3 patients the changes were marked, represented by nuclear lobulation, karyorrhexis and binuclearity, with the presence of ringed sideroblasts in one of them.

After therapy with 2-CdA complete hematologic remission was achieved in 4 patients with disappearance of dyserythropoietic changes and normalization of RDW values. In the last patient with ringed sideroblasts despite complete remission with disappearance of tumoral cells in the bone marrow as demonstrated by immunohistochemical analysis of trephine bone marrow biopsy with monoclonal antibody DBA 44 the condition deteriorated, RDW remained unchanged, the sideroblastic anemia progressed.