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On half-automorphisms of certain Moufang loops with even order

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


A half-isomorphism phi :G -> K between multiplicative systems G and K is a bijection from G onto K such that phi(ab) is an element of {phi(a)phi(b), phi(b)phi(a)} for any a,b is an element of G. It was shown by Scott (1957) [8] that if G is a group then phi is either an isomorphism or an anti-isomorphism.

This, along with Frobenius' original papers on character theory, was used to prove that a finite group is determined by its group determinant. It was then shown by Gagola and Giuliani (2012) [5] that Scott's result carries over to Moufang loops of odd order.

However, such a result does not hold for all Moufang loops that are of even order. Here we look at certain Moufang loops of even order and determine under what conditions is a half-automorphism forced to be either an automorphism or an anti-automorphism.