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The Infant Communion by the first printed Utraquist´s Confession from 1513

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


The text „O vieře svaté“ from 1513 is the oldest printed Confession of the Utraquist´s church. In addition to the efforts to declare Utraquist´s orthodoxy, it also shows the specifics of the Utraquist´s theory and practice.

Next to the lay´s chalice was the most important the Infant Communion – the distribution of the Lord´s Supper to the children and babies. This text is builded on the traditional Hussite´s arguments, but it gives know that the Infant communion can´t be denied by the Utraquism in the presence.

The author is probably the Master Paul de Saaz, administrator of the Utraquist´s consistory, which is known also as the author of the great manuscript Apology of the Infant communion.