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The effectiveness of anagrelide treatment in patients with Ph-negative myeloproliferative diseases: Influence on the incidence of thrombosis in the data from the Registry of patients with essential thrombocythemia and thrombocythemia associated with other myeloproliferative diseases treated with Thromboreductin® to the end of 2012

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


In the Czech Republic, anagrelide (Thromboreductin) [29] is used according to the recommendations of the Czech Working Group on Myeloproliferative Disorders (CZEMP) for treatment of thrombocythemia associated with Ph-negative myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs). The patient data are collected in the Registry of patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET) and thrombocythemia associated with other MPDs treated with Thromboreductin.

There were more haemorrhagic events during F-U: 109 events in 83 patients. Upon comparison of the number of events during F-U to their numbers in history, we found a two-fold decrease in arterial thrombosis, an almost two-fold decrease in microvascular thrombosis and even a 6.6-fold decrease in venous thromboembolism events.