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We are people of one Earth. Programme of xenophobia and racism prevention.

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The team of authors presents teachers with a comprehensive program to prevent racism and xenophobia based on teaching on migration and on transfer of experience with multicultural environment. Its main aim is to consolidate and strengthen positive attitudes of pupils towards a multicultural society, to open space for awareness of prejudice and to express possible fears about the migration or differences in society; and thus contribute to the elimination of manifestations of xenophobia and racism.

In addition, the book provides a collection of games and activities for children and a lot of information on migration to the Czech Republic, types of migration, the issue of integration of migrants, human rights, culture, traditions of selected countries of origin of migrants in the Czech Republic (Vietnam, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Belarus, Chechnya , Dem. Rep.

Congo). The program was created for pupils of the 2nd grade of primary school, but it can also be used for pupils of the lower grades of secondary schools.