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The role and importance of laboratory screening in Gastroenterology



The importance of screening in gastroenterology changes with regard to technological development methods in laboratory diagnosis. Screening for colorectal cancer , which is the second most common malignancy in Europe is now possible quantitative immunochemical analysis of hemoglobin in stool (FIT ) with an accuracy of almost 95 %.

Celiac disease affects nearly 1 % of the population , but often remains undiagnosed. The recommended method for targeted screening is now a combination of antibodies IgA and IgG DGP tTGA.

Now the question is discussed screening of atrophic gastritis with Helicobacter pylori infection with the risk of developing gastric cancer. Specific markers state of the gastric mucosa are particularly pepsinogen I and II , respectively . their ratio.

Detection of stable carbon isotope 13C breath test 13C - UBT is labeled urea is a reliability above 95 % is considered to be the gold standard in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection. Determination of Calprotectin in stool is another screening test , which is now considered to indicate the specific screening colonoscopy for suspected IBD, especially in pediatric patients.