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Habitat requirements, short-term population dynamics and coexistence of native and invasive Impatiens species: a field study

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The genus Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) includes three widespread species in the Czech Republic, central Europe: the native I. noli-tangere, and two invasive species, I. parviflora and I. glandulifera, differing in the dynamics of invasion. They all occur in similar habitats and share basic life-history characteristics, which make them a suitable model for studying species traits associated with invasiveness.

In this study we investigated differences in habitat requirements of these Impatiens species, their coexistence and short-term population dynamics in the field. We established 84 1 x 1 m permanent plots in five localities where all three species co-occurred.

In each plot vascular plant species were determined, their cover estimated and all individuals of Impatiens species counted. Site characteristics including tree canopy cover, soil moisture, nitrogen and carbon content, and slope were measured directly.

Nutrients, light, humidity and soil reaction were estimated using Ellenberg indicator values. The presence of I. noli-tangere was strongly correlated with high soil moisture, that of I. parviflora with high tree canopy cover and low soil moisture.

Impatiens glandulifera exhibited a unimodal response to tree canopy cover, avoiding both very shaded and fully open sites. The current-year abundances of all species were negatively related to those of congeneric species.

These results suggest that the coexistence of Impatiens species in the same habitat is due to microsite differentiation. Further spread of I. glandulifera to new habitats, and reduction of the native I. noli-tangere niche, can be expected in areas where the latter species co-occurs with competitively strong invasive congeners.