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Framing national indebtedness in MF DNES and Právo before the election to the Chamber of Deputies in the Czech Republic in 2010

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


The analysis of framing of the topic of national indebtedness in Mladá fronta DNES and Právo before the election to the Chamber of Deputies 2010 shows noticeable differences between both Czech newspapers. Frames are well visible, especially in commentaries.

The analysis confirms MF DNES is focused more on right-wing voters, Právo is focused more on the left-wing ones. According to MF DNES, the national indebtedness is a real problem and it is necessary to solve it.

The left-wing parties are responsible for the growing national debt of the Czech Republic and the right-wing parties can fight against this problem. On the contrary, according to Právo, national indebtedness is not a big problem.

The right-wing parties just use this topic to threaten the voters and they cannot solve this problem better than the left-wing parties, although they claim it. Právo also offers more various framing than MF DNES.