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Self-education educator in the process of educating young people to the values of

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine, Catholic Theological Faculty |


The profession of a pedagogue – a teacher or an educator – is ranked among exacting professions. The reason for this is, inter alia, the fact, that the significant „working tool“ of the pedagogue is his/her personality.

Hence the need for comprehensive care of this „tool“ – not only for the results of the pedagogue’s work to be the most effective and „the tool“ brings no harm to those who are consigned to him. The main reason is that disregard of mental hygiene, lack of self-reflection and self development lead not only to inability to perform this profession well, but in severe cases even to the state of mental and physical exhaustion, to burnout.

To overcome these, it requires a lot of energy, and, unfortunately, the efforts may not always be successful. In terms of energy input with regard to the quality of life with the pedagogue and its environment, it is therefore necessary to focus on prevention of this undesirable state.