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Frankenstein`s coctail



Project based learning and education are well known methods that are still developed. In recent years there is also gaining ground increasingly one of the activating methods: IBSE - inquiry based education.

This method is based on the constructivist approach to learning. The teacher does not explain a content of curriculum in the finished form, but he creates knowledge by using the solving problems and asking system questions.

The teacher has the role of insider's guide and leads his pupils to solve the problems by procedure similar to what is common in real research. It means the way from formulation of hypotheses through the construction some methods of solution to obtaining results and their discussion.

In the presented mini-project we have connected the principles of the project based learning and inquiry based education. In front of the pupils there were mixed cocktail of commonly known foods (water, salt, sunflower oil and coffee beans).

Then students watched a video with a barman show and discussed the phenomenon of "bartending" and what could be an origin of the word "cocktail". Moreover the teacher suggested the problem to pupils - everyone can mix or blend materials, but your task is to divide them back to the starting form.

There were available a fully equipped school chemistry lab and the task for pupils was to plan, implement, document (photograph) and evaluate research activities. The result of this work was a poster with mini-project which contained the described procedures and some photographs of the separation methods.