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The influence of large-scale climatic patterns on precipitation, temperature, and discharge in Czech river basins

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The present study focuses on the possible influence of large-scale climatic patterns on precipitation, temperature, and discharge in two distinct river basins in the Czech Republic. The first one is a flat lowland basin of the Cidlina River and the second one represents a more mountainous type of climate (the Blanice River).

The large-scale climatic patterns used comprise monthly averages of teleconnection patterns, sea level pressure values, and two geopotential heights (850 hPa and 500 hPa). The correlations for corresponding months and also up to a three months lead time were investigated.

The relations concerning the corresponding months proved to be most reliable in the winter period of the year. The behaviour of both selected river basins with respect to these predictors is rather similar in character.

However, higher values of correlation coefficients are reached in the case of the Cidlina River basin. Considering the prediction abilities with a certain lead time, the results seem to be more promising for the winter and spring periods in both basins.

In the Cidlina River basin, they are likely to be beneficial also for the late summer and autumn period.