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Arm injuries in volleyball players

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Basis: Professional volleyball is more and more demanding for conditioning, considering the increasing number of matches and demandingness of preparation. Probability of injuries and general damage of an organism is increased collaterally with increasing demands on players.

Aim of this contribution is to find out the frequency of arm and spine injuries in professional volleyball performance. Another aim was to find out what sort of injury prevention and regeneration the players used.

Group: The research group consisted of 52 women professional volleyball players playing first volleyball league in the season of 2011/ 2012. The average age of the inquired players was 26.

Methods: A non-standardized questionnaire was created for the research, consisting from open, closed and semi-closed questions. Results: From a total number of 52 acquired questionnaires the biggest numerousness of chronic injury was found in right arm, particularly 30% of all injuries of arm and spine.

The second most common injury of the inquired player was chronic injuries of the lumbar spine 28%. Acute injuries of the lumbar spine in 12 % and acute injuries of cervical spine in 8 % were found on the following places.

Conclusions: Another results revealed that a fairly big part of inquired players (28 %) do not use any prevention or regeneration.