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Comparison of longterm outcomes after ileal and gastric bladder augmention

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The article presents a comparison of long-term outcomes in 32 patients after gastrocystoplasty (15) and ileocystoplasty (17), perfomed during1990-2006 (with a mean follow-up was 15.2 years). Primary diagnosis was neurogenic bladder and exstrophy / epispadias complex.

Long-term outcomes of IPCL and GCPL are comparable, bladder capacity increased and intravesical pressure decreased singnificantly, complete urinary continence was achieved in 65 % of patients depending on additional procedures. We have achieved satisfactory functional results despite significant morbidity which was slightly higher in teh GCPL group.

No malignant bladder tumors were detected during the follow-up period. Annual cystocopy has been recommended starting at 10 years aftre augmantation, risk of malignancy in discusssed according to a detailed search of literature.