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The earliest known holometabolous insects

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Eumetabola (Endopterygota (alsoknown as Holometabola) plus Paraneoptera)(1) have the highest number of species of any clade, and greatly contribute to animal species biodiversity(2,3). The palaeoeco-logical circumstances that favoured their emergence and success remain an intriguing question(3-6).

Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have suggested a wide range of dates for the initial appearance of the Holometabola, from the Middle Devonian epoch (391 million years (Myr) ago) to the Late Pennsylvanian epoch (311 Myr ago(7-12)), and Hemiptera (310 Myr ago(13)). Palaeoenvironments greatly changed over these periods, with global cooling and increasing complexity of green forests(14).

The Pennsylvanian-period crown-eumetabolan fossil record remains notably incomplete(15-1)9, particularly as several fossils have been erroneously considered to be stemHolometabola(1,15,20,21) (Supplementary Information); the earliest definitive beetles are from the start of the Permian period(21,22). The emergence of the hymenopterids, sister group to other Holometabola, is dated between 350 and 309 Myr ago(8,9,12), incongruent with their current earliest record(Middle Triassic epoch)(1,20).

Here we describe five fossils-aGzhelian-age stem coleopterid, a holometabolous larva of uncertain ordinal affinity, a stem hymenopterid, and early Hemiptera and Psocodea, all from the Moscovian age-and reveal a notable penecontemporaneous breadth of early eumetabolan insects. These discoveries are more congruent with current hypotheses of clade divergence.

Eumetabola experienced episodes of diversification during the Bashkirian-Moscovian and the Kasimovian-Gzhelian ages. This cladogenetic activity is perhaps related to notable episodes of drying resulting from glaciations, leading to the eventual demise in Euramerica of coal-swamp ecosystems, evidenced by floral turnover during this interval(23,24).