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Ambient aerosol generated by coal strip mine Vršany: characterization and apportionment in nearby localities



Aerosol generated by coal mining has aerodynamic diameter in the range 6-9 microm. While there was 19fold higher concentration of coarse aerosol in the mine than in the Cepirohy village, fine aerosol concentration in the village prevailed over that one in the mine, our filed measurements have shown.

Also there were no statistically significant differences in PM10 among the sites situated at the mine perimeter. According to particle shape measurements, 1/6-1/3 particles in the village were bioaerosol, fly ash and aggregates of high-temperature particles, the CEM has shown.

According to laboratory resuspension measurements, particles larger than 1 microm form majority of aerosol mass generated by mining technology. Concerning coarse aerosol profiling in the air column above the mine technology, horizontal dispersal is limited to about 30m and vertical to 150m.

Coal mining contributes to the burden of PM10 in the village on average by 6% as an application of the PMF, US-EPA model to hourly resolved elemental composition of aerosol particles both in the mine and village revealed.