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Primary prevention of diseases: current challenges and opportunities

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The key obstacle in contemporary medicine consists in rapidly growing financial demands of diagnostic techni-ques and frequently expensive modern drugs. Their undoubted effectiveness presents itself through an increa-se in life expectancy, especially of men in the pasttwo decades in the Czech Republic.

Due to the rapid growth in financial demands of the therapy, primary prevention, thus preventing disease, found itself in the role of a Cin-derella. Why? Without a doubt will useful investments pay off, yet unfortunately in such a long time in which seve-ral political leaderships may rotate.

This is one of the main reasons, why attempts for a primary prevention are often left aside. When realized, they are frequently just in a form of a limited campaign.

The paradox of today's era is, and one can't exclude that in the near future, a situation may appear, in which the costs of patient therapy will set such high demands on society, that politicians will finally critically understand the importance of investing into primary prevention. This concerns cardiovascular diseases including hypertension and diabetes type II, which go hand in hand with today's plague -- obesity, just like as the primary prevention of malignant neoplasms and other growing problems of general public's health.

This also includes e.g. osteoporosis and neuro-degenerative diseases linked to the increasing age of our population. Last but not leastthere is the field of highly desired preventive activities in stomatology branch.

The neglected dental caries and paradontosis related problems directly and quite negatively affectthe quality of our life. The challenge of 21st century medicine is the anticipation of diseases and their primary prevention as an sub-stantial, elementary contribution towards increasing the quality of life of not only our, but for coming generati-ons as well.