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Two new species of Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) from the Greater Cape Floristic Region

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Two new multifoliolate species of Oxalis L. (Oxalidaceae) from the Hantam Karoo region of South Africa are described and illustrated: Oxalis carolina and O. filifoliolata. Both species occur in single populations in the extremely geophyte-rich area on the Bokkeveld Plateau in the Northern Cape Province.

Morphological characteristics, phylogenetic position, habitat description and conservation status of the new species are provided, in addition to a diagnostic comparison with other phenotypically similar Cape species. Fifteen multifoliolate Oxalis species are currently recognized in South Africa, disregarding multifoliolate varieties of otherwise trifoliolate species.

A key for multifoliolate Oxalis species known from the Bokkeveld Plateau is presented.