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Production of cytokines by metal ions stimulated lymphocytes of patients undergoing implantation therapy in dental medicine



Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study was to establish cytokines production under metal ions influence by lymphocytes of patients in which individually the most appropriate material for implantation therapy and followed prosthetic treatment was choosen. Materials and methods: Levels of twenty cytokines, typical for inflammatory reaction, were established in patients before implantation therapy (I), after implantation therapy and before prosthetic therapy (II) and after implantation and prosthetic therapy (III) using Quantibody human custom array.

Results: In non-stimulated culture significantly increased levels of IL-10, IL-11 and TNF-alpha between examinations II and III and significantly increased levels of ICAM-1, IL-10, IL-11, IL-15, TNF-alpha and TNF- beta between examinations I and III were found. After stimulation of lymphocytes by titanium significantly increased levels of IL-2, IL-10, IL-11, IL-13, IL-15 and MIP-1b between examinations I and III were found.

In general, significantly increased concentrations of inflammatory reaction cytokines after stimulation by titanium as well as in the course of implantation therapy process were found. Conclusions: This study confirmed the influence of metal ions onto levels of inflammatory reaction cytokines produced by lymphocytes of patients undergoing implantation therapy.

The establishment of individually the most appropriate material for implantation therapy and followed prosthetic treatment should become common procedure.