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Diabetic macular edema from the point of view of an ophthalmologist and a diabetologist

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Diabetic retinopathy is the most common microvascular complication of diabetes and along with diabetic macular oedema is the main cause of sight loss in economically active population in the western world. Hyperglycaemia is the main risk factor.

Other risk factors for development of diabetic retinopathy include the duration of the disease, the type of diabetes (it is more common in type 1 diabetes), arterial hypertension, presence of macro- or microalbuminuria, increased cholesterol levels, pregnancy and smoking. Pharmacological therapy is aimed mostly at proper management of diabetes, blood pressure, but also at treatment of dyslipidemia.

The standard methods of treatment are laser coagulation of the retina and pars plana vitrectomy. Among the new therapeutic methods is intravitreal application of corticosteroids and agents acting against vascular endothelium growth factor.

Combination of ranibizumab with a follow-up laser coagulation of the retina seems to be efficient.