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The local people's courts in the district of Trutnov in the years 1961 - 1969

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Law |


The paper deals with the existence of local people's courts in the district of Trutnov, which function as one of the organs of the judicial system in the former Czechoslovak Republic in the period since their establishment in 1961 until the collapse in 1969. The local people's courts were designed to protect especially the socialist state and its social structure, as well as political, personal, property and other rights and interests of citizens protected by law.

The introduction of the courts of this type should, according to historical documents, task delegation discussing a defined group of less serious criminal cases into "team working". Their establishment allegedly documenting achievements and accuracy of criminal policy, which had less serious violations "of the rules of socialist coexistence" and violations of socialist legality transferred into the sphere of social condemnation and social impact on the offender.

The local people's courts was set up in the villages of urban character with the number of em about 3,000 inhabitants and plants. In the East Region, as of 31. 12. 1961 registered a total of 33 local people's courts in municipalities and 28 local people's courts in the races.

In 1961 it was decided on the establishment of the Local People's Court at the Municipal National Committee in Trutnov, the Local People's Court at the Municipal National Committee in Dvur Kralove n / L. and the local People's Court at the Municipal National Committee in Vrchlabí and the establishment of local people's courts in the race - at CSD, when np Tiba, and also in the race Zálabí Dvur Kralove n / L, and np Tesla Vrchlabí .. Local people's courts existed relatively short period and were abolished after the change of political course of the ruling Communist Party at the end of 1969, and that the law of torts no. 150/1969 Coll. dated December 18, 1969.