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Less significant Old Kingdom gods with solar aspects : Nefertem and Weneg

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Next to the main sun god Ra, other gods with solar aspects are known from the Old Kingdom; however, the solar aspects of these gods have been ignored by Egyptologist for a long period of time and only a few studies deal with them. These works are quite old, hence it is really important to study the sun gods nowadays.

There were more and less significant gods with solar aspects in Egypt. The most important god connected with the Sun was Ra.

Other gods like Kheprer, Atum or Horus played a crucial role in the sun cult as well. But there also existed lesser gods with solar aspects, such as Weneg and Nefertum.

This article summarises the characteristics of Weneg and Nefertem and presents sources for them from the Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom.