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Khresmoi - multilingual semantic search of medical text and images

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The Khresmoi project is developing a multilingual multimodal search and access system for medical and health information and documents. This scientific demonstration presents the current state of the Khresmoi integrated system, which includes components for text and image annotation, semantic search, search by image similarity and machine translation.

The flexibility in adapting the system to varying requirements for different types of medical information search is demonstrated through two instantiations of the system, one aimed at medical professionals in general and the second aimed at radiologists. The key innovations of the Khresmoi system are the integration of multiple software components in a flexible scalable medical search system, the use of annotation cycles including manual correction to improve semantic search, and the possibility to do large scale visual similarity search on 2D and 3D (CT, MR) medical images.