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PhraseFix: Statistical Post-Editing of TectoMT

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We present two English-to-Czech systems that took part in the WMT 2013 shared task: TectoMT and PhraseFix. The former is a deep-syntactic transfer-based system, the latter is a more-or-less standard statistical post-editing (SPE) applied on top of TectoMT.

In a brief survey, we put SPE in context with other system combination techniques and evaluate SPE vs. another simple system combination technique: using synthetic parallel data from TectoMT to train a statistical MT system (SMT). We confirm that PhraseFix (SPE) improves the output of TectoMT, and we use this to analyze errors in TectoMT.

However, we also show that extending data for SMT is more effective.