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Deadjectival derivates in Czech as syntactic vs. lexical derivates

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Deadjectival derivates are a representative sample of Czech derivation. On the basis of the semantic relation to their base adjectives, they can be classified into two groups: into syntactic derivates, which have the same meaning as their base adjectives but fulfill different syntactic functions (e.g. deadjectival adverbs), and lexical derivates, which share the syntactic function with the base adjectives but differ from them in meaning (e.g. diminutive adjectives).

The present paper focuses on deadjectival nouns with the suffix -ost, which express a quality. Based on the analysis of data from the corpus SYN2010, we try to document that the meaning of quality is closely interconnected with the meaning of a bearer of the quality, and propose to revise Dokulil’s classification of these nouns as syntactic derivates.

The classification of a derivate as a syntactic or lexical one is directly reflected in the deep-syntactic annotation of the Prague Dependency Treebank.