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Unearthing already non-existent tombs and cultic places at Abusir South. Potential of a certain type of finds

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


During excavations of the vizier Qar’s family tomb complex and the physician Neferherptah’s mastaba, both in the Old Kingdom non-royal necropolis at Abusir South, were found objects which originally belonged to other officials’ tombs. This “secondary refuse” (false doors, offering tables, libation basins and various fragments of tomb wall decoration) was found both in the tombs’ super- and substructures, and was used either as recycled building material or part of the fill of shafts.

Altogether more than one hundred of both complete pieces and fragments have been discovered. The study of this largely unpublished material offers excellent potential in many issues.

The study of this largely unpublished material containing various types of finds of different quality offers excellent potential in many issues. This collection allows us to identify 40 individuals and their social position, to enrich the corpus of the Old Kingdom personal names and titles and to reconstruct family relations in some cases.

The database of names and titles created in FileMaker Pro facilitates the prosophographic work with data and the systematic research of all individuals connected with Abusir necropolis.