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The Bologna process and its effects on structured programs for teachers

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The Bologna process can be understood as the result of a continuation of a series of European conferences while certain policy decisions aimed at the creation of the European Higher Education Area. It is commonly characterized as an agreement , resp. voluntary initiative especially in Europe , as well as some non-European countries ( eg Armenia , Georgia ) who wish to improve accessibility, attractiveness and quality of higher education and to create a European Higher Education Area ( EHEA).

The Bologna process is derived and is derived from the Bologna Declaration (1999 ) , based from a number of documents that had preceded it. Education ministers of the participating countries of the Bologna process agreed to meet regularly in order to further develop and coordinate matters relating to the European Higher education.

The creation of a European area of higher education , its sequel a further operation requires constant support, supervision and adaptation constantly changing educational needs. It is also necessary to continuously respond the dynamically changing conditions in which higher education takes place.

The Bologna Process aims to make European higher education more mutually compatible and comparable to increase its competitiveness and attractive for Europeans and citizens of other countries and continents. It represents the most systematic and extensive reform efforts in the European Higher education.

Some authors in the context of the Bologna process, talk about the transformation of paradigms in tertiary education.