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An annotated list of the Oligocene fish fauna from the Osíčko locality (Menilitic Fm.; Moravia, the Czech Republic)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The present article provides an annotated list of the Oligocene fish fauna from the Menilitic Formation of a new Osíčko locality (Silesian Unit), collected from two different parts of the formation, i.e., Subchert Member and Dynów Member. The specimens were classified as Keasius sp., Elasmobranchii gen. et spec. indet., Scopeloides glarisianus, Sardinella sardinites, Clupeidae gen. et spec. indet., “Glossanodon” musceli, Anenchelum glarisianum, and Perciformes gen. et spec. indet.

The composition of the assemblage suggests mesoto benthopelagic environments.