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Morphological and postural assymetry of lower limbs in elite female soccer players

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The tested group consisted of female soccer players from the Czech national team (n = 18, age = 22.9 +- 4.4 years, height = 167.3 +- 6.1 cm, weight 61.2 +- 5.1 kg). Segmental liquid distribution in the dominant FDDL and non-dominant FDNL legs was assessed by multifrequency bioimpedance InBody 3.0.

Postural stability was measured by FootScan pressure plate (RScan, Belgie) and changes of Total Travelled Way (TTW) of Centre of Pressure (COP) during the test were observed. Proportion of body liquids in the dominant leg was significantly lower when compared to the non-dominant leg (FDDL = 6.01+-0.60 l; FDNL = 6.06+-0.60 l; t17 = -3.09; p.05; ω2 = .09).

A lower TTW value in DL or NL, respectively, was measured in 2 or 4 female players, respectively.